Know Why It’s Dangerous To Hide Your Valuables In Air Ducts

Hide Your Valuables In Air Ducts

Air ducts play a crucial role in your house by circulating air from the heating and cooling system to your house. As we see in many movies, many plan to store their valuables in the air ducts. However, it is not a good idea because it may be quite damaging. Though your air ducts and vents may appear to be an amazing secret hiding spot, the truth is that tampering with your HVAC system can cause damage. Thus, to protect your family, you must not hide your valuables in air ducts and opt for regular air duct cleaning in Las Vegas

Why Hiding Your Valuables In Air Ducts Can Be Damaging?

The air duct system of your house is meant to perform two tasks: circulate warm air from the furnace throughout your home and circulate conditioned air throughout your living areas. Your air ducts were not designed to be used as a secret spot to store your valuables. Here’s why:

  • Your Valuables Can Get Lost

Your ductwork was designed to enable air to circulate through them. So, if you hide important documents or money inside your ductwork, then you could lose it. As the air kicks on weight, lightweight items may fly away with the circulating air. Also, those items can be taken somewhere in your ductwork and might result in causing damage in several places. Your HVAC system needs electricity to work, and you don’t wish to face the risk of any documents catching on fire.

Also Read: Never Cleaned Your Air Ducts? Know How Dangerous It Can Be

  • Items In The Airduct Can Restrict Airflow

If you wish to increase the efficiency of your HVAC system, then the first thing you must do is take care of the air filters. This will increase your unit’s airflow and enable it to work without extra effort. So, it is a really bad idea to place items in your ducts and vents. If you store things in the air duct, you are actually restricting air flow to your unit. Not only does this waste your energy and money, but it will also cause unnecessary damage to your system. Forcing your HVAC system to work harder than it has to will cause parts to break sooner than they usually would.

  • Air Duct Runs Is Incapable Of Supporting Extra Weight

You might already know that air ducts are made of flimsy metal. The metal that makes them up isn’t quite thick, and hence, they cannot support anything other than air. Air ducts were never designed for a person to crawl around inside them or even hide anything instead of air. So, you must not hide items in there that may add up any weight, as they may end up separating and even collapsing.

So, the risks are really great if you place your valuables in your ductwork or vents. There are many other areas in your house, where you can keep your valuables items, and documents quite safely.

However, if you are looking for a reliable company to enjoy amazing services regarding air duct cleaning in Henderson, NV, then you must contact Nevada Pure Air really soon.

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